Bob Thivierge's Easyweb Home Page

Welcome to my Easyweb site. In 2006-2007 I wrote the original versions of Easyweb. Versions 1.0.0, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2. Around April 17th, 2018 I started an upgrade to Easyweb Server 1.0.2 and Easyweb Transfer Client 1.0.2. On 01-Mar-2019 Easyweb Transfer Client 1.0.3 was released. On 18-Mar-2019 Easyweb Server 1.1.0 was released. This brought Easyweb into the mainstream of useable apps. The Easyweb Package Client was also developed in support of Easyweb Server 1.1.0. Version 1.0.0 was released 01-Mar-2019. Since then more work has been done. The current versions of each shall be listed:

  • Easyweb Server 1.3.0 (15-Mar-2020) => Upgraded to Easyweb Server 1.3.1
  • Easyweb Server 1.3.2 Beta => In house use (my server) only
  • Easyweb Server 1.4.0 (current latest release) => (03-Feb-2023)
  • Easyweb Transfer Client 1.1.0 (21-Feb-2020)
  • Easyweb Package Client 1.0.1 (15-Mar-2020)

I've been programming in one form or another since about 1978 when I took Basic 77 on the PDP 11 VAX. If you do the math that is 44 years. Anyone who does something for 44 years knows a lot. Everything I program has value. The problem is the market for those types of things is focused on theft and removal of the legitimate developer in favor of some other person. And if that isn't happening then there is constant and relentless attacks on the legitimate developer. Using all kinds or nonsensical reasons. So I've been programming for such a long time, everyone wants to steal my work or attack me for it because the copyright laws limit who can distribute the finished work. It seems the state of affairs has become a game of what you can get people to believe and pay for. And reality means very little. I think I've proven I can program, but no company has hired: if there are any programming shops making money. Also, the amount of software's I have requires so much maintenance to add more may make this effort too formidable. And remember, in my 44 years or programming I never received even 1 cent in compensation. I just want to point out a development is not an election. Things aren't made and then a vote taken as to who gets credit, money, position etc. He or she who develops owns, that's the rule. But right now there is a massive effort to attack me and make things look a way they are not. I follow copyright law and pay my fees. And as we have had a court ruling, all you have to do in the US is put your copyright on the works, which I do. And almost always supply a splash screen, which may be the best way to show the valid copyright of the work. This is why I'm not going to make an Easyweb Server 1.3.2 release. It does appear because of the never ending criminal activity, discrimination and total disregard for the Constitution, my 44 years of programming is a waste of time. No matter what I do or how well I do it. All I here is bum. In the US for decent people, death is our only friend.

I remember when I was in the service. A fellow officer would stop in my office and ask if I could see that document or spreadsheet we looked at before and it would be corrupt. And he said people work on things for thirty years or more and someone just steals it. It looks like he was right. I think he visited us when I was working somewhere as well.

And another eight recent desktop applications completed:
  • Genos 1.0.0 (04-Nov-2019)
  • Application Helper Version 1.2.0 (18-Oct-2020)
  • The IconShop Version 1.0.5 (18-Oct-2020)
  • The IPv4 Bean Counter Version 1.0.4 (18-Oct-2020)
  • Mypics Screen Saver 1.0.0 (21-Nov-2020)
  • Easyweb Server 1.3.1 (22-Mar-2021)
  • VoiceClock 2.0.0 (18-Mar-2022)
  • Easyweb Server 1.4.0 (03-Feb-2023)

Easyweb and its associated programs offer a much better Web and File server. All these applications are available for download and installation on my Applications page in Easyweb Site and on my Demos Topic in my Apache Web App. This site demonstrates the new features found in Easyweb Server.

After Easyweb I developed a new Desktop File Manger called Genos 1.0.0. This was released 04-Nov-2019 and works with Windows 10. This too is available for download on my Applications page and Apache Web App Demos Topic for download and installation.

In addition to Genos 1.0.0, I upgraded Application Helper to Version 1.2.0. This overcame issues with the Treeview Control in Windows 10. Other than problems with the help engine, The IconShop and The IPv4 Bean Counter had no issues in Windows 10. Now both of these applications are Windows 10 ready.

Mypics Screen Saver 1.0.0 was written so I would have a screen saver demo. It was also the result of my knowledge improvement reading. This included both Windows VB development and web development related technology and/or study guides. Of course Mypics works with Windows 10, the new standard of Windows Desktop Development for me. Easyweb Server 1.3.1 was released on March 22nd 2021. This version made some 15 or more upgrades and/or fixes since Version 1.3.0 one of which is a security key, required to activate Easyweb Server 1.3.1.

Easyweb Server 1.4.0 is now available and uses a security key. Many upgrades and fixes were made.


Reading and Study Guide Schedule
Updated Tech Study Schedule (Approximate)
  • 29-Sep-20 to 20-Oct-20: Studied the VB4 Programmers Guide.
  • 29-Oct-20 to 29-Nov-20: Studied the VB6 Complete Guide.
  • 01-Dec-20 to 20-Dec-20: HTML5 and CSS3 Guide.
  • 22-Dec-20 to 01-Feb-21: PHP and MySQL Guide.
  • 05-Feb-21 to 15-Apr-21: Perl Lama Guide.
  • 16-Apr-21 to 10-May-21: Perl and Apache Guide.
  • 11-May-21 to 14-May-21: Quick Guide Refresh Review.
  • >> VB4, VB6, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, Perl, Apache
  • 15-May-21 to 20-Jun-21: Python Study Guide.
  • 21-Jun-21 to 27-Jun-21: Ruby Study Guide.
  • 28-Jun-21 to 30-Aug-21: VB6 OEM Guide.
  • 01-Sep-21 to 24-Sep-21: 2nd Quick Guide Refresh Review,
  • >> VB4, VB6, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, Perl, Apache, Python, Ruby
  • 01-Oct-21 to 31-Dec-21: Develop function libraries for all languages:
  • >> FD Manager (VB) and My Calendar (Easyweb Web App).
Key:  Blue => Done <?> Green => Planned

All the planned reading, study and library development is done. The libraries actually happened at various stages of reading and study. This was a good time to do it. The period 01-Oct-21 to 31-Dec-21 saw the development of two apps. FD Manager which is part file manager and part database. This isn't finished and may go back into development. The file manager is done, but needs more testing. The database has a firm start but is probably a year away from completion, and given all the issues with corona and the depressed economy I don't know if I should spend a year on this app. It is being developed on VB (a forgotten language). I don't really have a need for it either. But I may do it because any programmer knows a database is probably one of the most celebrated apps in the fleet and always will be. Having a functional database is exceptional in any programmer's book. And FD Manager shall be web enabled as well.

FD Manager probably started around Aug 2021. I wrote Genos in a month and a half. And it is a pretty good app. FD Manager took at least twice as long for the File Manager alone and I'm still not happy with it. Creating an MDI and using the old VB controls add complexity. But an MDI is a nice feature for a File Manger. My Calendar actually was finished a little ahead of schedule and was about a 2-3 week web development. Now I have a nice calendar feature on Easyweb. I've always had many on Apache. I did a year of study of both VB and web programming languages, if I program too long in one or the other I'll forget the one not being used.

When I started writing FD Manager, my intent was to see if I could write a program like Genos with controls that still work in newer Windows Operating Systems. What I decided is these controls are ok for simpler applications, but won't work with something as complex as FD Manager. I was only trying to assess whether or not I can write apps with VB anymore. The language is no longer being updated. If I do I'll have to create my own controls. I figured FD Manager would require at least a year of time to complete and debug. There would likely be many fixes as a database has many features that are hard to get right the first time. It was just a test effort that went over-time and this told me not to bother anymore. It is scrapped.

Also, in some of my Motd's I spoke of another what I believe to be an attack on my groin. Well, it was an attack and it is bad. This happed before around 2015 and as best I can remember it took about three years before I seemed normal again. This latest attack may be worse. The symptoms are to change the way the organ works. Erections are hard to get and sometimes impossible. Fluid levels drop to nothing. There are definitely signs of dramatic physical change. This may seem like dirty talk to some, but when you get hurt, you need to heal the wound. That is all that I'm trying to convey here. I have no more development projects planned, I'm going to focus on doing the required work around the house and healing my groin issue. The groin is a very important organ in the male body and controls everything. Believe me, I do not want to tell you things like this, but this issue is going to affect things and I want you to know what has happened. I did not cause this problem, but I have to deal with it.

Update on my groin issue: I was hoping to remove the above paragraph (and almost did) because on about 20-Jan-2022 the symptoms started. At around 29-Mar-2022 things seemed normal. On 30-Mar-2022 there seems to have been another spiking and there may have been other less severe ones in between. It looks like I'm back to square one. It seems people are stalking me and watching what I eat, looking for an opportunity to spike. People who I don't know say all manner of vial things to me and it seems there is no end in sight. People come by the house and scream things. They like to use the word bum. When I hear bum, I know there could be a spiking. The latest symptom is my groin can not release fluid, sperm or seaman. When just a day or two ago it could normally. I'm a Chemical Engineer; I would never create chemicals that do that. It seems these are routinely placed in the food supply. These people are pure evil. I consider these attacks both civil and human rights violation.

I have food labels that have changed since I started buying these foods. The foods are helpful to my groin problem and the chemicals that help taken out. Some foods taste different either bitter or hot shortly after I started buying them and then there is just symptoms after eating something. That doesn't mean the food caused the symptom (either little or no erection or low or no fluids) but it is caused for concern. When searching for a cause of a conditions, doctors look at the time when something was relevant. So it has to be considered. Years ago I had a bad bunch of rashes and on all my two arms. I went to a doctor and he thought it might be new soap, but that it was not used within a reasonable time frame so was ruled out. We never found the cause and the rash cleared up. In hindsight, I think it was some poison ivy that was still alive in December when I raked and bagged the garden leaves. When dealing with the groin performance: psychological, physiological and neurological processes are all in play. So even a bad comment could have an effect. And I am being relentlessly bombarded with damaging comments everywhere, even when I am in my room. People yell from outside bad comments at all hours of the day and night. Someone is trying to alter reality and it isn't working. This is why I think someone is planning to kill me, they won't stop these attacks on me and I'm not sure who they are. I've heard the word drug dealers though.

Today at the store people were saying I have to patent my copyrighted software and that it is going to someone else and because of that I am a bum. This other person has been threatening me. It is only very rare that a software is patented. Software is usually copyrighted. Anyway either one is valid, it is what is done first. This may be why my groin has been continuously poisoned. I once went to a Discrimination Lawyer and he told me things trickle out with time. The criminals brag about there successful criminal activity. I may have eaten bad candy yesterday and had to throw away $10.00 worth of sliced roast beef from two different locations due to fear of chemical issues. I can't eat anything anymore. It looks like someone has stolen software from me (the phone and maybe VoiceClock and ProCal) and now want me to be thought of as some kind of freak so when they kill me no one shall care. Because I wrote the software. Another Discrimination Lawyer told me anytime something untrue is said about someone, that is discrimination. Which is minor compared to poisoning.

Update: I've been going through all my old Windows and DOS app documentation and code. It seems the code for ProCal and VoiceClock is lost or stolen. ProCal was replaced by WebCal-Pro so it is no longer needed. I have the code for WebCal-Pro. I have all the voice .wav files for VoiceClock (in my voice) and I am re-writing the code for this app. It won't be exact, maybe a little better, but VoiceClock Version 2.0.0 shall work about the same and offer the same features with common voice (.wav) files. It took me a few hours to get the basic voice time feature running with existing .wav files. This should take a few weeks to complete.

  • VoiceClock 2.0.0 (18-Mar-2022)

I had no other project planned, FD Manager was to big and risky to continue with. My Calendar went well and that shall have to do for now. I don't know of any companies writing software. I had to update Easyweb Server to version 1.4.0. Many issues arose when I wrote MyCal and so I spent about a year trying to improve Easyweb Server. What I'm planning now is to create a shared folder page so folder site URLs can be added. Users can create an account, login and maintain his or her web space. I also need to create an Easyweb Key page, so users can request Easyweb Security Keys when necessary. I might even try building a completely new web server. It is a thought, I have to do some research to see if I can find a way to make this would be server work in newer versions of Windows.

When I first started writing Windows apps (again) in the early 2000's (2003), there were companies with job openings each week. I thought I would have a job in a few months, but unemployment went long term. Since the early 2000's, there are no companies advertising. I was advised by Job Placement Specialist not to apply for a job unless I meet each requirement. Since about 2008 there have been no job ads in the Help Wanted or Classified section of newspapers. How do I know what the job requires without an ad? I have never been able to get even an interview with web Job Engines. If I show up unannounced at a company, security takes my resume and passes it along. So what I am doing with my web sites is to keep my skills in play, but the jobs that go with these skills may be gone. I think my three web sites prove my ability to program on many platforms.

    Current Efforts:
    • Complete all upgrades to Easyweb Server 1.4.0 to Easyweb Server 1.4.1 release
    • Complete JobBase App - Scripted Easyweb App - On Hold
    • Complete The Graph Maker - Graph Making, Graph Paper, Lab Notebook, Data Feed Graphing
    • Upgrade and service computer, development, printing and network equipment for the next 3-5 years
    • Running, Exercise, Weight and Blood Pressue Management
    • House Maintenance, Construction/Renovation as needed

The message of the day (Motd) page offers the most detailed and up-to-date information concerning my daily activities and developments. You shall be redirected in 60 seconds.